
Authority Book Marketing Mentoring Program

Now that you’ve written you book, what’s next? Why selling it of course! But selling individual copies is only one small part of the equation for a thought leader who writes an authority book. According to a study done by Rain Today, 97% of respondents said that publishing a book positively affected their business. Furthermore, the indirect revenue gained from greater brand recognition, speaking engagements, generating more leads, and commanding higher fees far outweighed the direct revenue generated from book sales.

What’s Included?

The Authority Book Marketing Mentoring Module is the second module in the Fast Track to Author Mentoring Program. Module 1 is Write your Book. In the Book Marketing Module:

  • We complete a detailed plan for your book launch, whether that is a physical event, a virtual event, or both.
  • Build fans and followers who will give you book reviews
  • Create your Amazon Author Central Account
  • Create and run a marketing promotion to coincide with your book launch
  • Write email and social media campaign content
  • Create a book marketing timeline to execute after the initial launch
  • Create an Author Media Kit
  • Write and submit a Book Media/Press Release
  • Create and email marketing account and initial email messages.
  • Create Social Media Fan Page or Profile for one Social Media Platform
  • Create an Author Speaker Sheet

 How do I get started?

The Authority Book Marketing Module is part of my Fast Track to Author mentoring program. It’s not a cookie cutter, one size fits all but has personalized attention built into the program. Because of that, I only accept five concurrent clients at any given time. Our first step is a brainstorming session to determine your goals and see if our working styles are compatible. If so, I’ll provide a statement of work outlining our project and the investment.

If you have any questions about the program, you can email Linda here:Linda Griffin (Linda(at)